This is going to be short and sweet b/c I have TONS to get done today and the day is mostly over already...ugh. The weekend went well. When I have time to describe it all I will. Today has been annoying so far, I don't suspect it to get much better. Anywho that's all we have time for see ya next time ;). Stay tuned for scenes of next week's episode......
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
The Park
Peonies by the park
Playing on the "gate" as they call itFun on the bridge
More fun on the bridge
Pouting at the park
Serious Colton
Sweet, yet crazy babies...long sleeves and jeans on a hot day
I LOVE this pic of Dakota
Colton getting shoved down the slide, while screaming haha
Dakota concentrating on climbing
Posted by Annie at 1:23 PM 0 comments
A Week in Review
Monday evening, Colton graduated preschool and took a "vacation" by going to my parents for a few days with Dakota. This was an amazing little break for me (much needed). Tuesday night, Scott and I enjoyed actually getting to have a conversation together!!! I had grilled pork chops and roasted potatoes, it was a great evening. Wednesday, I completed the task of organizing and actually PUTTING AWAY (be very proud of me for that one) all the new baby clothes I've acquired in recent time. I got severely pissed off at my lawn mower and ended up eating Toast for dinner...(real healthy I know). Thursday, I rode to the city with Scott and he dropped me off at my parents for the day. It was a pretty lazy, yet enjoyable day. I finally found an outfit to wear to a wedding (which is next weekend...). It was nice being able to spend time with my mom, dad, and sister. It was nice. The boys came home with us when Scott got off work, we ate leftovers, watched an episode of Star Wars, and headed for bed. I don't know what was going on with my body in the middle of the night, but I woke up this morning feeling as if I had been run over by a big truck.....(?). Today, I have some minor "housewife" duties to accomplish: a load of laundry or two, dishes, etc. The rest of the day is going to be spent with the boys, they need some quality mama time after being away for a few days. We have decided to go to the park and play outside for our agenda for the day. Sounds relaxing and enjoyable, lets wait and see how much hair I have left by this evening. As far as Memorial Day weekend activities...I'm not too thrilled. Scott mentioned needing to finish the painting he started 3 weeks ago and building his hunting blind. GREAT!! (?) We'll see how it goes...I'm trying to be optimistic here :).
Posted by Annie at 5:50 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Graduation Video
Well I got the video shortened it. Here it is. :)
You can also watch it on youtube. The video is a little easier to watch there I think.
Colton's Grad Video on YouTube
Posted by Annie at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Growing up
As you all know my oldest baby graduated Preschool last night. It wasn't as sad as I had thought it would be, mostly b/c Colton kept the ceremony comical and embarrassing..ha. Colton goes on to Kindergarten this fall and Dakota will go to Preschool. I have been around the children in Colton's class all year, helping out with the school, PTO, etc. It's sweet to see Colton go to Kindergarten with the friends he has made, plus many more from the Baptist Church Preschool. The school is expecting around 42 children for Kindergarten this I do want to give a huge pat on the back to Colton's teachers: Kerry and Lori and all the staff at the school. Kerry and Lori have really made an impact on the children and I've noticed them transform stubborn, abnoxious 4 yr olds into egar learners. I look forward to Dakota benefiting from it next year.
Now that summer vacation is here, the boys have initiated it with a bang. They have gone to my parents for a few days. Although I want to smack both of them at times, I miss them already. I have many plans for the next couple days: rearranging furniture, finish painting the kitchen/dining room, getting Haelie's stuff organized, etc. It's not much of a vacation for me, but I will enjoy the solitude. Wish me luck!
Today is Preschool Round-up (just paperwork mostly) and my last day of driving for the school!
Posted by Annie at 6:43 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
Spring Pics
Well I couldn't resist sharing the boys's Spring Pictures with you. I just got them from the school! Enjoy!!!
Posted by Annie at 1:44 PM 1 comments
A picture is worth a thousand words
Well...we had an alright weekend as you can tell from the pictures above.
Saturday we got up early and hit a garage sale in FS, found a bunch of little girl clothes and then headed to Pittsburg. In Pittsburg we went to John's Sport Center and picked up the long awaited Walther P22 in Digital Pink. We have had this gun ordered for awhile and it finally came in. Hurray! The weather was chilly and overcast so not a lot of outside work was done. A lot of sitting around bored and napping was completed for the day. We rented a movie and made my onion things.
Sunday we hung out with the MIL, checked on our food plot (the corn is starting to pop up, but not much else...), visited with Scott's uncle and his wife, and sat around in the warmer weather. The boys played hard if you couldn't tell. They were filthy and worn out, as are most children their age on a warm day. We grilled hamburgers and made s'mores.
A few injuries of note: Colton decided he wasn't going to wear socks with his already too tight cowboy boots (which I've been hiding from him)...major blisters. Dakota got in a fight with the MIL's treadmill, I'd say the treadmill won....nasty burn on his arm.
The bunk beds are going over real well. They've slept in them all but 1 night since they were assembled. YAY! Which means I have been getting better sleep and have been waking up with less pain. Super Duper!!!!
Colton's graduation is tonight and I will have family stopping by. Which means a thorough house cleaning is in order. Blah.
Posted by Annie at 6:41 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Something to be proud of
My parents bought the boys a set of bunk beds. Scott picked them up on his way home and my parents followed him to our house. While Scott and my dad put the bunk beds together, the boys played outside (before the storm hit). They had a good time playing with my mom, sister, and her bf. The boys LOVE their new bunk beds!!
For dinner I made fried potatoes and fried onions (cross between onion blossom and onion rings, but cut in half). I also warmed up left-over ribs to finish off. After dinner and after everyone left, I attempted to cut Scott's hair...which is a nightmare to begin with (I'm not a hair cutter). While I was cutting his hair my clippers decided to stop cutting, at 9pm with half his hair done...not cool. I had to get ahold of my SIL to borrow hers. Went out to her place, got her clippers and came home to finish. All in all, it didn't turn out as badly as I had anticipated, but could have gone a lot better too. This morning, it's the boys' turn for hair cuts. Theres only 3 school days left for Colton, until he graduates Pre-School and then gets "a buncha stay-home days before Kindergarten" lol. Hope you enjoy the quick snapshots...its about time I post some pics on here. :)
Posted by Annie at 7:51 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Wake up!!
Just as I had expected I didn't get nearly enough done yesterday. Things always come up and children often determine the outcome of your day. Although some do not realize this, I say to them f-off. Having children is rewarding, fun, and a blessing, but at the same time it can be frustrating, time-consuming, and down right a pain in my ass. Yesterday was one of those days where I wish I could sit down with a bottle of booze, watch the entire Star Wars collection, and pass out....
The children weren't horrible yesterday, they were just being their typical selves. It was all the "mom duties" associated with my run-of-the-mill day that got frustrating, when I obviously had more in mind to accomplish. At this point I am wondering if it will ever slow down, will the laundry ever get "caught up", will the dishes wash themselves, will dinner magically appear on the table, will I ever feel accomplished....I know these things are not possible, especially having another joining us in October... I guess I need to stop dreaming, as I start the washing machine, go to the store, and pick up little shoes off the living room floor. I'll leave the dreaming to the 2-3 hours of sleep I've been getting most nights.
Posted by Annie at 6:17 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I have been lacking in the picture taking department lately and intend to improve this today. Wish me luck! Today I am "spring cleaning" the boys' stuff at least. They have a surprise coming to their room tomorrow and I want everything to be ready for it. I'll post pics when everything is finished :). We will be condensing toys and I also plan on going through all their clothes and getting rid of things they've outgrown since the last time this was's surprising how fast children grow. Now that I know we're having a little girl I can get rid of all the little boy things I have acquired over the last 5 years and replace with pinks and purples ;).
Upcoming Events:
**May 18th @ 7pm- Colton's Preschool Graduation--:( I'm both sad and excited for this day.
**May 19th - Last day of driving!--I've been counting down the days since Spring Break haha
**May 30th-Danyell and Mike's Wedding--I'm so happy to be attending this event! Now to only find something to wear....
**June 3rd- Dr. Appt!!--I'll be almost 23 weeks by then!!
Posted by Annie at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Typical Weekend
Here's how my weekends usually go:
Weekends generally start on Friday for me. Friday evening, Scott, the boys and I went over to the mother-in-laws house to visit with her and my sister-in-law and two nephews. Of course this is usually a stressful time. The SIL usually nags non-stop at all 4 boys for -something-. This time was no different. Scott decided to mow MIL's yard to get away from the incessant bitching for awhile. After SIL went home (she only left early b/c her bf was on his way home from work) we stuck around and had an enjoyable time with the MIL.
Saturday, Scott spent part of the day doing a little painting in our kitchen and dining room. I mowed the yard. Father in law needed Scott's help moving furniture so as a barter he came over and helped put in some new receptacles and light switches (while bitching about it every 20 seconds). The boys and I tagged along with Scott as he moved furniture 3 blocks. Afterwards we went to check on the food plot we worked so hard at to put in. We noticed a few plants had began to sprout up: lettuce and clover mostly. Meanwhile, MIL and some extended family had been in KC garage sale-ing all day and was on their way back. Scott and I decided to make dinner for everyone. Lemon Herb Chicken, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Corn on the Cob, and Fried Mushrooms. It all turned out well. Everyone was pleased with the menu. I was disappointed in the Corn, a little undercooked for my taste, but everyone else seemed not to mind. As I'm sure you know, I found out last week that I'm having a little girl. :) So the family who garage saled all day bought a TON of little girl stuff (which is appreciated after having two boys). This little girl will be the first granddaughter for both sets of grandparents and 2nd for some of the great-grandparents. :) I'm pleased.
Sunday, Mother's Day, woke up first thing and started going through all the baby items purchased the previous day. Scott and the boys oohed and awed over every little pink outfit. haha They're just as excited as I am. :) Although there are lots of new items I'm still in need of quite a bit...babies require a lot of stuff. While going through all the stuff I got a call from my SIL wanting to have lunch for Mom Day at her place. She was mostly jealous of us having dinner for extended family the night before and wanted a little attention...typical. She hadn't had a plan on food or activities, she just wanted everyone to come out and visit...okay. I had bought a pkg of pork ribs Saturday that had been thawing in the refrigerator and offered to bring those out. Okay...she needed a few things at the store. Completely unprepared to fix dinner for 9 people at her place....okay. To eat ribs for lunch they needed to be started early, so we got around, went to the store for her and headed out to her grill our own meat, with our charcoal, on her grill....? While we grilled the ribs she baked potatoes and made a can of creamed corn. Why we didn't just have dinner at our place is beyond my comprehension. Scott felt he needed to help SILs bf work on a tractor half the day, which is bs, but I won't get into that....LONG story. While the rest of us on a cold, misty day sat inside and watched old VHS tapes on a old console TV with limited seating. Should have told the SIL we were busy and didn't want to have lunch. What a waste of a day. MIL and I decided this was prime opportunity to take a nap. My youngest nephew (nearly 2 now) has a sharing problem. Anything one of the other boys touch, he wants...and he gets. Not exactly fair, but I can't do anything about it without getting the 3rd degree. After several hours of frustration at the entire situation we decided to leave. MIL, bored, decided this was her out, leaving when we left. We came home and watched a few Blu-Ray movies on our HD-TV. I'm not complaining about SILs entertainment system, its just annoying all around that we could have done everything at our place much easier and more comfortably. FIL came over, smelling of Coors Light and cigarettes, was loud and obnoxious. Whining and complaining about everything imaginable....not surprised (roll your eyes and ignore him....). I thought a good way to ignore him was to go to Casey's and get gas in Scott's truck so he could be ready for Monday morning. Luckily when I got back, he had left...huge sigh of relief at 8:30pm Sunday night. The boys, Scott and I sat down together and watched another movie and eventually went to bed.
SO that is a typical weekend in my world.....maybe I'm crazy or just think I am bc I've been surrounded by crazy for nearly a decade...I am looking forward to this week though. My mom and dad plan to come down mid-week for a visit (which is very nice :)) and this is the last full week of school for Colton...6 days left for him, 7 days left for me to drive!!!
Posted by Annie at 7:57 AM 0 comments