Friday, September 11, 2009

A bad dream I can't wake up from

The title to this post is a vague summery of how the last week has treated me. Of course, I'm exaggerating a little. The last week hasn't been ALL bad, just most of it. Last Thursday I had my routine dr visit which went well. Friday, didn't do a lot. I tried to rest some and didn't really succeed, but that's how it goes. Saturday, Pat, the boys, and I went to KC and did a bunch of running around. We got a lot of stuff for Haelie. I feel a lot better about Haelie's arrival with the purchases made on Saturday. I feel more prepared now. I still have some stuff that I would like to get done before hand, but atleast a lot of the shopping portion is taken care of. Now it's just getting organized and preparing. Saturday while I was shopping, Scott was working on a nightmare of a side job. Sunday, he needed my help, so I go help. This side job consists of hanging sheetrock, finishing, and everything ready to paint. This is an old house we're talking about. The area to be sheetrocked was an old rock-walled basement....double fun. Scott had gotten most of the basement hung Friday and Saturday. Sunday I learned how to "spot screws" and "wipe down". I'm an amateur drywall finisher now! Hurray for me?! We worked 12 hours, while I had several contractions...nice huh? I didn't really want to help again Monday, but wanted to help Scott get the job done faster so we could both rest and not be so stressed. So Monday we worked 10 hours. In the midst of all this, more work got added to the list. For example, hanging and finishing the entire attic/loft area! 1160 ft of rock to hang! All of this, the homeowner wants done by SATURDAY. Scott has a regular job too, ya know. OMG. Talk about stress. So Tuesday, I stayed home most of the day. Getting the kids to school, doing misc neglected housework, etc. By 2:30 Scott called and said he needed me to come up and help him in the upstairs of this house after the boys got out of school. So I arranged for Becky to keep them for us to get this stuff done. Drove up and got to the place at 5:30. Scott was going to be there at 8. I was going to get started and do some misc things before he got there. Well that turned into a nightmare and nothing was going right. Of course. Scott and I get into an argument on the phone about how he was tired and wasn't going to come over to the house to work at 8. He was going straight home. This irritated me. I'm 36 wks pregnant and have been working to help him, busting my ass, and he's tired and wants to go home?! After senseless debating on the phone I head home. I get home and we have a talk about the whole side job thing. The deal with the side job isn't even for CASH...the guy is broke and is a general contractor and friend of Scott's regular boss of which Scott has worked with several times prior to this. The method of payment for this labor and materials is Guns. The guy is giving Scott guns in trade for labor and materials. Okay, what kind of guns you ask? Guns that aren't worth as much as the labor and material!!! Not to mention this guy thinks Scott's screwing him!!!!! Scott cut him a deal on the guns traded to give the guy a break 1) b/c hes a GC and knows people, 2) b/c hes a friend of Scott's boss, 3) b/c the guy is broke. It's one thing for Scott to offer to do all this work for the guns. Its a completely different thing for Scott to do all this work for guns that arent even valued at what the labor and materials are, and on top of that to still have the guy thinking Scott's bending him over!!!!! I about told the guy to shove the whole job up his ass. There is other misc. bullshit with this job also. For instance, nothing being ready. This guy was supposed to have everything in the basement framed and ready to hang...nope. Scott had to spend 90% of Day 1 on the job, framing! Okay, can handle, he wants the job done ASAP so he can put up trim and paint and lay carpet. It's not Scott's fault the job isn't done due to lack of organization by the homeowner. That's how this whole deal is going. Nothing is organized and ready, yet the guy still wants it done in an unreasonable amount of time, considering the circumstances. The upstairs for example is current living quarters for the homeowners teenage kids. He wants another wall framed up and it hung and finished by Saturday; ready to paint. Scott did not agree to frame up a wall. Scott also cannot hang and finish a wall that doesn't exist. wtf!? Not to mention the kids' shit is still in our way. Anywho, I go up and help Scott again Wednesday, which was against my wishes, but did it anyway. Things actually went pretty smooth Wednesday, lots of progress dispite having contractions most of the day. I was so preoccupied with everything else I didn't bother to time them. We get back into town around 7 and pick the boys up (who had been with Becky since 5pm the day before). I felt sooo guilty leaving them. They were really missing us. We hadn't seen them hardly at all since Saturday so we decided to let them skip School Thursday. They were actually okay with this idea, b/c they were gonna go help Daddy at work. lol. At Pat's that night, I had mentioned having contractions etc in casual conversation and mentioned I was curious to see how dilated I was at my appt Thursday. That was the end of the conversation. Wednesday night I did not get any sleep. Contractions like crazy, actually keeping Scott awake b/c he was worried. They weren't painful, just annoying. We finally got to sleep after midnight and woke up at 5:30 Thursday morning. I drove my car to the city, following Scott and the boys. We get to this stupid side job and start in doing stuff. I had to make three trips to Home Depot for more materials Thursday, ugh. A lot got accomplished in the few hours we were there, but not as much as there should have been. My dr appt was at 1:40, so I left the job at 1 to head to the dr office. Scott decides he is gonna go with me until he had to be at work downtown at 4. We get to the dr office and check in. Shortly after the U/S tech comes to get me and prepare me for the weekly BPP. I told her I'd like to wait on the BPP until after the dr checked for dilation (considering the amount of contractions I had been having). I didn't want to do the BPP at $180 and then have the dr check my dilation progress only to find I'm in labor. The dr was actually at the hospital delivering so we had to wait about 30 minutes. Finally when he got back, they checked me and I'm fully effaced, 3cm dilated. Kinda disappointed I was only a 3 but oh well. They proceed to do the BPP, which Haelie scored 8/8 again. The BPP checks and scores baby's functions on 4 categories: breathing, heart function, activity and fluid level. Two points per category=8 pts possible. After the BPP I hopped on the scale for the nurse and was shocked to see I had gained 3.5 lbs in 1 week! Holy shit!! Now I'm up to exactly 20lbs total this pregnancy. The dr met us in his office where we talked about when to call as far as labor goes and future appts and things of that sort. We decided on 9/25 at 7am to induce labor if she doesn't decide to come before then. We're gonna do another BPP next Thursday and then that's it for those. Finally, light at the end of the tunnel! Scott and I were sharing our thoughts while walking out of the dr office at 3:15 (long appt with all the waiting) when we see Becky's van parked next to my car. Wtf!? Pat, Becky, Nick, Dreyton and Connery all came up b/c they thought I'd have Haelie yesterday. Dontcha think that woulda been something I would call them about!?? I had texted them earlier in the day telling them that I'd let them know what the dr said about the appt afterward...why show up without a call!? Scott and I were pissed. Makes us not want to call them when I'm in labor. Then they all act disappointed that I wasn't having Haelie...ugh! I was pretty worked up on the way home. I get home to a messy house with no food in it and that instantly made my mood worse. I tried to relax a little by surfing the net, but that didn't work b/c the boys were holy terrors. They decided to mop the bathroom floor with Gatorade, crunch up an entire bag of shell covered peanuts on the porch, etc...I was about to lose it. Not to mention I still had to figure out something to eat for dinner! Scott only had a couple hours of work before he'd be on his way home, so I decided a relaxing evening on the couch with snacks sounded perfect. I went to the store and got stuff for his Nachos, chips and dip and some corn dogs. Soo easy. During a movie, while snacking, Pat comes over and informs us of all this drama with Nick and his ex gf. Ugh...ridiculous. Then shortly after she leaves, Nick comes over and visits for awhile, then Terry shows up. Scott and I were exhausted beyond belief and didn't have the energy to listen to all this bs drama. Nick got pissed off at the situation and was going to go make an ass out of himself by calling and bitching someone when he left, we promptly got into bed. Ahh, relaxing. I was out in about 10 minutes. Scott had taken the laptop to bed and was reading some articles and info on the guns we're getting for doing the stupid side job. I guess he was explaining different things to me but I was out. I slept pretty good until the alarm went off at 4:30 and I got up to hit snooze and couldn't hardly move. This is typical right when I get out of bed, but the fact that it's 9am and I still can't move very well is annoying! I hit snooze for an hour and finally got Scott up and sent him off to work. Got the boys around and off to school. Came back to finish this post that I've started about a thousand times and hadn't finished. I feel a little better after writing this but I still need some R&R which hopefully I will be getting this weekend. Scott is going to work a long day today to try and get things squared away with this side job and only go back for a couple hours tomorrow and Sunday. Youth season opens tomorrow and he needs to be free to take Colton to the woods. This should give me a relaxing weekend, hopefully. I plan on resting a lot of today with some minor housework duties thrown in. The rest of the weekend is going to be organizing and finishing up house cleaning. I need to get Haelie's stuff all organized and put up where it's going to be easily used. Anywho, I'm exhausted from typing all this and want to take a nap while the boys are at school so I'm gonna draw this to a close. Its been pretty hard to explain my emotions the last few days. I figured this post will help you all understand why I'm feeling the way I off to try and take a nap!